Namaste India

“I believe that there are days in our lives when we feel defeated in our efforts but not in our intention.

I believe that there can be no bigger God than the One within Us.

I believe there can be no bigger Buddha than that of Universal Peace.

Join in my good karma and welcome to my blog !!!”


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Sunday, April 20, 2014

High Tea in the Mountains..!

The Mountain air is stimulating to the spirit, it can build up an appetite as we explore the mountain seconds there can be a drifting cloud who will with careless abandon change the weather clock. You are left wondering why you did not carry your jackets and that moment you remember your favorite hot 'chai' to bring the chatter back and enjoy the serenity and the music of the flowing n healing waters around you..!

**For more on the best green tea of Kangra Valley..Click here..!

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