Namaste India

“I believe that there are days in our lives when we feel defeated in our efforts but not in our intention.

I believe that there can be no bigger God than the One within Us.

I believe there can be no bigger Buddha than that of Universal Peace.

Join in my good karma and welcome to my blog !!!”


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Memoirs of a Rose Table..Tea with the Gods !

" The best part of my Mistress was, that she lifted the mundane to the spiritual...I , a rosewood table  was never just a piece of simple furniture lying in the house.  I was nurtured, polished with loving hands and always repaired on time as the years crept by..the children grew but, till today I remember the High Tea of the Gods and the little girl who, with the genius of the Divine, created a new perception of the Almighty.

I often with envy, wished myself to be with the children of the house, in a garden tea party. The mindless chattering and playing of the kids, made me leave behind my gathering years..and so one mystical afternoon when the sun was low and there was the sound of thunder in the yonder hills, I found myself in the midst of a chidlren high tea party.  There were small baby sandwiches, french pastries straight from the Barbie oven, little tea cups n tea pot..teddy bears, dolls and glow worms as guests, along with our pet dogs..! There was so much preparation and excitement, that my Mistress with her kind humor told the children that she was expecting the Gods for tea today.

As the evening crept by, much was forgotten..a half cleared table and spilled food crumbs..the children had gone and everyone was busy with their evening chores. As can happen a sudden crash of thunder and the rain poured in !  With a loud rumbling of the clouds, the power crashed in too and for some  miraculous moments there was darkness..till the little girl in the house suddenly chirped " Oh Mom ! look the Gods have come for tea and sure enough almost like magic,  there I was glowing with the glow worm toys, beautifully lighted and comforting in the dark..! "

..Very often, the perception of God for children is innocent of all image..anything or anyone that can give comfort n laughter can warranty patronage from them..!

                                                    For a Himalayan Tea Buzz...Click Here !