Namaste India

“I believe that there are days in our lives when we feel defeated in our efforts but not in our intention.

I believe that there can be no bigger God than the One within Us.

I believe there can be no bigger Buddha than that of Universal Peace.

Join in my good karma and welcome to my blog !!!”


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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Moods, 2012..Rosewood Table Memoirs

What we remember about our selves is not often what others recollect in their moments of humour about us. On a day when the haven of my kitchen was exuding the invigourating essence of cinnamon & lime,brewed with honey...asound of a whisper from the creaking corners of my table,the merry tinkle of suger spoons,the spice of forgotten moods,it was all there in the memoirs of my old rosewood table,calendered as per floral creations....

"The Gurungs were special to me, not for the old lace tablecloth which was gifted to me which put behind me all my days of negligence but also for the many moods of the mistress, which I found truely funny, in their childish petulence. There were days of great adamance, when my brown table top, was ablaze with colors of the old barks of the wild set aflame with spring blossoms and the lush greens of the garden.

Her favorite on a sunshine day when everything was as per her liking, were the blooming sunflowers which she always mingled with the brown wood, lest the evil eye caught their laughter..

But I remember a day when the sun was down, there was a soft pitter patter on the window, signs of a gathering the thunder came in, so did the anger of my mistress..boy ! such wrath on broken promises..maybe be a delayed payment or just her favorite piece of crystal broken..who knows, what made a bad day ?? All I know is, that she did not take too well, to human beings erring on keeping their word. As her anger translated on the table, there was a creation of dried 'ikebana leaves' with a touch of yellow spring in it..!"

The spring of yellow blossoms was to her mind the rising sun of hope, because like I said, the Gurungs were special in many ways..most of all, for their inherent faith in mankind, which always gave them a tomorrow to dream about..!!..( Memoirs of the Old Rosewood Table.)